Research Database Evidence-based, peer-reviewed information collected from over 700 medical and complementary medicine journals, summarised into clear concise monographs.
Interactions Database The first of its kind in Australia, the interactions database is brought to you in partnership with the University of Sydney, Faculty of Pharmacy.
Patient Information Over 150 Patient Information Sheets on a broad range of conditions, herbs, supplements and treatment options
Product Directory Search for product images, ingredients and descriptions for over 40 popular brands. Simply enter the product type or name, or browse by brand.
eLearning Complete condition or product based education reviewed by an expert editorial committee for relevance, quality and accuracy.
Can sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts lower blood glucose levels?
Results of a randomised, placebo-controlled trial show that sulforaphane can lower blood glucose in certain individuals with prediabetes.
Curcumin and osteoarthritis
Curcumin improves pain and stiffness associated with knee osteoarthritis - results of an umbrella meta-analysis
Prebiotics and cognition in the elderly
A prebiotic fibre supplement improves cognition in elderly individuals - results of a randomised, controlled trial
Omega-3 fatty acids and autoimmune disease incidence
Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation reduces the incidence of autoimmune disease - results of the VITAL follow-up study
Cinnamon and diabetes risk
Cinnamon may reduce the risk of diabetes in overweight individuals - results of a randomised, placebo controlled trial
MSM for Mild Knee Pain
MSM improves both knee and systemic health conditions in healthy participants - results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
ACNEM '2025 ACNEM Annual Conference: Integrative Cancer Therapies '
Australia has one of the highest cancer rates in the world (1), with nearly one in two Australians d ...
NNIM '10th Annual NIIM Symposium'
We are delighted to confirm that the Symposium is back again for its 10th year! We are working ...
ANTA and UnityHealth look forward to working closely together to continue to bring practitioners the latest information and up to date resources.
IMgateway was recommended to us as the most useful and practical website to general practitioners by Professor Marc Cohen.
It makes good sense, that clinical staff should have access to a resource like IMgateway which provides them readily with the authoritative and evidence-based information they need on complementary medicines, their uses and effects and their known interactions ...
Given the high use of Complementary Medicine (CM) in Australia and the progressive integration of CM with conventional medicine, medical, nursing and allied health staff need access to evidence-based information to assist ...